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Night of Hope

How do you create awareness for a non-profit with a not so nice message? You tell the truth. And it ain’t pretty. Did you know that 6,000 young Minnesotans experience homelessness each night? Even in winter?! Or that the climate inside is often so bad that youth choose to sleep outside? YouthLink came to us and asked for our help to get young professionals to sleep outside at their yearly fundraiser and raise awareness of youth homelessness. Because the sad truth is, people don’t want to accept that it’s real. And for sure not in their backyard.


I wrote the org’s landing page, t-shirts, cardboard posters that were hung up around downtown, social content, digital billboards and posters at the event. This is such a great organization. It’s amazing what happens when you sit across the table from real people, listen to their story and see the work that comes organically. Each of these lines came from talking with real youth who are currently or have experienced homelessness. I loved working on this small but amazing hometown hero.


CD: Tim Brunelle

AD: Erin Slayton

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